Rental Requirements

    All renters have to comply with the following:
  1. Complete a check out satisfactorily.
  2. Complete a written test on the airplane to be used.
  3. Fill out and complete a rental agreement.
  4. Posses and show a FAA pilot certificate and
    current FAA medical certificate.
  5. Show proof of current biennial flight review.
  6. A minimum of 100 hours as PIC is required to
    rent C-172Rs and C-172S

Day Rental: 3:00 Hours minimum*
Half Day Rental: 2:00 Hours minimum*
Rentals-Daylight-VFR-Only; No Overnights.
Rentals within USA territory only.
Rentals limited to US citizens only.
We deserve the right to refuse.
Rentals hours: 08:00 to 18:00

*Prices and minimums subject
to change without notice.

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